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KB 113 - Send Metrics in Error After Root Cause is Fixed

KB 113 (ABAP) - Send Metrics in Error After Root Cause is Fixed

Category: Information

Priority: Normal

Platform: ABAP

Version: 1 from 23.03.2021


If for some reason there are a metric errors generated in the PowerConnect administrative console, and the root cause of the issue is fixed, follow these steps to send the metrics to Splunk:

  • Log into the PowerConnect administrative console in the productive client using the /n/bnwvs/main transaction. You will be able to see there are metrics in error in the following location:

  • Then stop the PowerConnect jobs using the following buttons

  • Confirm the batch jobs have stopped running. The PowerConnect administrative console should look like this.

  • Then go to Administrator → Check Errors

  • Select the Fixed button for the line with the metric error for which the root-cause has been resolved. Save.

  • Then return to the PowerConnect administrative console, and select the buttons below to restart the PowerConnect batch jobs.

  • The PowerConnect administrative console should match the screen below once the batch jobs have successfully restarted.

  • You will then see the metric errors decrease in the PowerConnect administrative console in the following section:




PowerConnect [NW,S4HANA,S4HANA Cloud]

[Affected version from]

[Affected version to]

[SAP product version]





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