KB 12 - Authorization Error During Connection Test
KB 12 (ABAP): Authorization Error During Connection Test
Category: Problem | Priority: High |
Platform: ABAP | Version: 1 from 23.03.2021 |
If you perform a connection test in the PowerConnect administrative console and receive the following error:

The user account used to access Splunk does not have permission to check whether sourcetype exists or not. REST API endpoint accessed is <url>:8089/services/properties/props/sap_abap
Add capability rest_properties_get to the user. For further information regarding the capability, go to the link below in the Additional Information section.
Additional Information
Define roles on the Splunk platform with capabilities - Splunk Documentation
Product version
Product | From | To |
PowerConnect [NW,S4HANA,S4HANA Cloud] | [Affected version from] | [Affected version to] |
[SAP product version]
Product | Component | From | To |