KB 185 - Automatic field extraction stopped after upgrading PowerConnect ABAP to 7.03
KB 185(ABAP) - Automatic field extraction stopped after upgrading PowerConnect ABAP to 7.03
Category: Problem | Priority: Low |
Platform: ABAP | Version: 1 from 24.08.2023 |
Field extractions don’t seem to be working once the PowerConnect ABAP component is upgraded to version 7.03 and you are seeing httpevent sourcetype in the index in which you are sending PowerConnect data to.

You are also seeing a spike in the amount of data ingested in Splunk from PowerConnect.
This issue occurs when the endpoint configuration (Transcation /bnwvs/main → Administrator → Splunk Setup → Upload Scheme) in PowerConnect points to the path http(s)://<splunk_host>:<443|8088>/services/collector/raw

To fix the issue please remove the URI path /services/collector/raw from the endpoint configuration and restart the PowerConnect agent on the affected SAP system. The endpoint should look like below:

Product version
Product | From | To |
ABAP | 7.03 | 7.03 |