KB 67 - Missing Transaction ID for Kernel 753
KB 67 (ABAP): Missing Transaction ID for Kernel 753
Category: Problem | Priority: Normal |
Platform: ABAP | Version: 1 from 23.03.2021 |
There is a known issue with the 753 kernel for S/4 HANA which is impacting the metrics being collected by PowerConnect. Any reports involving STAD metrics (SAP transaction statistics) would show no data despite all collectors in the source system running and no errors reported.
The source of the problem was traced back to an invalid Trans.-ID. The Transaction ID is always: ############################### (from STAD tcode). This causes the extractor to think that all records belong to the same transaction.

The root cause is a bug in the 753 kernel patch 201, with the corrective action being to deploy a newer kernel.
The fix is detailed in OSS note 2688405 - STAT: Empty transaction IDs or transaction IDs with invalid characters - SAP ONE Support Launchpad.
Problem Kernel:

Additional Information
Product version
Product | From | To |
PowerConnect [NW,S4HANA,S4HANA Cloud] | [Affected version from] | [Affected version to] |
[SAP product version]
Product | Component | From | To |