KB 84 - Global configuration parameters
KB 84(ABAP): Global configuration parameters
Category: Information
Platform: ABAP
Priority: Normal
Version: 1 from 31.03.2021
Problem description
Depending on the requirements it might be needed to change PowerConnect Global configuration parameters . The KB contains the list of parameters and their description.
Parameter | Default value | Unit of measure | Description |
APPL_LOG_RETAIN_DAYS | 30 | Days | Calculated date when application log message considered as expired |
APPL_LOG_THROTTLE_SECS | 300 | Seconds | The interval to throttle error messages in application log |
ARCHIVE_DAYS_TO_RETAIN | 1 | Days | How many days sent metrics should be retained in the system |
ARCHIVE_DAYS_TO_RETAIN_UNSENT | 3 | Days | How many days unset metrics should be retained in the system |
ARCHIVE_DURATION_RUN | 3600 | Seconds | Archive/housekeeping job run interval |
ARCHIVE_UPLOAD_JOBS_RETAIN | 3600 | Seconds | How many time upload jobs (/BNWVS/DISTRIBUTE_PARALLEL) are kept in the system |
ARCHIVE_UPLOAD_STATS_RETAIN | 30 | Days | How many days upload statistics should be retained in the system |
AUDIT_LOG_RETAIN | 30 | Days | How many days PowerConnect audit log is kept in the system |
BUFFER_LOG_DAYS_TO_RETAIN | 7 | Days | How many days PowerConnect logs should be kept in the buffer (to speedup the search) |
CLIENT_CHECK | X | Boolean | Check if the PowerConnect is going to be setup in ‘000’ or ‘001’ client. Error message is shown if it is the case |
CLUSTER_TRUNCATE | X | Boolean | Truncate DB tables during archiving to free the space occupied by the table/LOB segments. Truncate means that table will be removed and created on DB level (SAP API) |
EXTRACT_TRACE | Boolean | Activates the internal trace. The data will be collected by PC_TRACE extractor | |
EXTRACT_TRACE_RETAIN | 86300 | Seconds | How many seconds extract trace should be kept in the system |
EXTRACTOR_TYPE | GEN1(GEN2) | String | Selects extractor type (internal) |
EXTRACT_TRIALS | 5 | Count | Used to block the extractor in case the extraction is failed with a dump. Number indicates how many dumps should occur before the extractor is blocked. |
EXTRACTOR_JOB_INTERVAL | 15 | Seconds | The interval/delay between each extractor loop. Can be decreased if extractor schedule should be checked more frequent (i.e. if some extractor has small run interval) |
INTERVAL_BEFORE_ABORT | 3600 | Seconds | Timeout to restart extractor or uploader jobs in case they are doing nothing by some reason. |
JOB_CHECK_SERVER | String | Application server to schedule a Check job | |
JOB_EXTRACTOR_SERVER | String | Application server to schedule Extractor job | |
JOB_SENDER_SERVER | String | Application server to schedule a Uploader job | |
JOBCLASS_CHECKJOB | C | Char1 | Job class for the Check job |
JOBCLASS_EXTRACTOR | C | Char1 | Job class for the Extractor job |
JOBCLASS_SENDER | C | Char1 | Job class for Uploader job |
LICENSE_STATS_EMAIL | bGljZW5zZUBwb3dlcmNvbm5lY3QuaW8= | String | Used a target for license emails |
LOCAL_SYSTEM_EMAIL | String | Used as a sender for license emails | |
MAX_INTERVAL_MULTIPLIER | 15 | Number | The multiplier is used to determine the Max run interval for each extractor – the time to go back in case it was stopped and activated again after some time |
MAX_PARALLEL_PROCESS | 10% | % | Maxim dialog tasks which can be consumed during extraction. The real could depends on extractors run interval. Accepts both constant or percentage values. In case the percentage value is defined, MAX_PARALLEL_PROCESS is calculated as certain percent of the maximum capacity of the RFC group defined in the RFC_GROUP config. The minimum value for percentage options is 3.
METRIC_COMPRESSION | X | Boolean | Activates the metric compression on application level |
NOTIFICATION_EMAIL | String | The email will used to send a reminder in case the license is going to be expired | |
RESTART_EXTRACTOR_DURATION | 86400 | Seconds | Extractor job restart interval. By default, the job is restarted on daily basis. |
RESTART_SENDER_DURATION | 86400 | Seconds | Uploader job restart interval. By default, the job is restarted on daily basis. |
RFC_GROUP | DEFAULT | String | RFC group to be used for data extraction dialog processes (defined in RZ12). |
RFC_VERIFY_INTERVAL | 0 | Seconds | The interval to blackout the RFC destination is the check was failed |
RFC_VERIFY_TIMEOUT | 10 | Seconds | The RFC check timeout (how much time to wait for response) |
SEND_JOB_INTERVAL | 1 | Seconds | The interval/delay between each uploader loop. |
STOP_EXTRACT_FLAG | Boolean | The parameter is set if the extractor job should be stopped | |
STOP_SENDER_FLAG | Boolean | The parameter is set if the extractor job should be stopped | |
UI_CHART_TYPE | AUTOMATIC | String | The Control Panel chart type. On high resolution screens native SAP chart is not working properly, in this case IGS is an option (if available) |
Additional information
After change of global config parameters, PowerConnect jobs should be restarted.
Product version
Product | From | To |
PowerConnect | 5.* | 6.* |