LTRC_DMC - SLT Replication Table & Load Status
Data Description
The LTRC_DMC event can be used to monitor SLT replication table and load status..
Potential Use Cases
This event could be used for the following scenarios:
Determine issues with SAP SLT server table replication present in DMC_MT_TABLES.
Monitor unprocessed records
Determine replication table issues
Metric Filters
Administrator->Metric Filters->More->LTRC Table filter

Filter is mandatory to collect the data for specifies Mass Transfer IDs and Table names. Table Name can be also defined as ‘*' to collect all tables. SLT Group Definition expected to be defined as ‘LTRC_DMC’ or 'ALL LTRC Extractors’ to be considered in this extractor.
Metric Configuration
RUNINFO_STAT configuration parameter could be used to collect data from tables DMC_RUN_INFO & DMC_RUN_STAT in event type subgroup RUNINFO_STAT

SAP Navigation
Log into the managed SAP system and execute the transaction LTRC with mass transfer ID.