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PowerConnect Java 8.0.0 Release Notes


PowerConnect for Java 8.0.0 release. Install the SCA package using SUM or telnet.

Version 7.x and 8.x only supports SAP Netweaver 7.5 systems. For older versions of SAP Netweaver please use version 6.9.0.


  • HTTP log monitoring extractor (new UI)

  • Added scenario identifier to supported PI message filters

  • UME Security Profile configuration monitoring extractor (new UI)

  • UME Properties monitoring extractor (new UI)


  • License key check now also includes SID if present in the license key

  • Performance improvements to channel status extractor

  • Performance improvements to topology extractor

  • Performance improvements to logs extractor

Bug Fixes

  • Sending the PowerConnect Java agent a stop signal before it had finished its startup procedure would cause the agent to fail to stop. This has been fixed.

  • The UI would sometimes display an incorrect message that the license key had expired when applying a new license key to replace an already expired key. This has been fixed.

Known Issues

  • The Garbage Collector name in the JVM Overview dashboard in Splunk appears as NULL for SAP Cloud Connector systems. This will be fixed in the next release.

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