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PowerConnect SP 7.00 Release notes (ABAP)

Upgrade scenario

Upgrade steps are described in the following KB:

!Important notes:

  • Transport with authorization objects is updated in this version and needs to be re-imported.

  • User roles are updated in this release and should be re-imported after upgrade.

New Install

Installation steps are shown in the following KB:

Known issues:

  • SM37 - In case single job step has multiple spools, not all of them are collected (not specific to current release) → Fixed in SP 7.01.

  • SM19 - Filter details are not collected in S4/HANA systems (not specific to current release) → Fixed in SP 7.01.

  • STATS - Some subrecords might be missing in case few filter rules are defined in the configuration → Fixed in SP 7.01.


PowerConnect 7.00 release is identical to SP 6.10 release except few minor improvements.


  • STATS extractor
    Fields USER_NAME and TERMINAL_ID are now part of all extracted subrecords

  • Other stability changes

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