PowerConnect SP 8.03 Release notes (ABAP)
Upgrade steps are described in the following KB: Upgrading PowerConnect ABAP 8.X to latest release
Known problems
New OpenTelemetry Trace based on STAD data (STAD_TRACE);
Data compression approach during uploading has been changed;
BD87_DYN: Segment data can be stored in the main event;
BD87_DYN: IDOC statuses can be deactivated in the filter;
WPER: Enhanced with status group field (similar to WE02/BD87_DYN);
SRT_MONI: Enhanced with possibility to store payload on header level;
SRT_MONI: Enhanced to capture XML attributes as part of payload;
SRT_MONI: New SRT_MONI Interface name filter;
SXMB_MONI: Enhanced with possibility to store payload on header level;
SXMB_MONI: Enhanced to capture XML attributes as part of payload;
HDBS_SLT: Enhanced to collect data for all applications;
LOGS: Enhanced to be able to ignore old files;
TREAD_DYN: Filter is enhanced with Timezone field;
STRUST: Enhanced with certificate revocation status;
SMQ1/SMQ2: Enhanced with destination in statistics subtype;
SMQ2_TRFCQIN: Enhanced with possibility to pull delta data;
RZ10: Enhanced with Kernel default values;
SM37: Event timestamp for running jobs is set to collection time;
SU01: Is able to extract user license information;
BGRFC_MON: Requires filter to pull the data;
Bug fixes
SM59: fixed the case when the extractor is not working after the installation;
ST02_MEM: fixed the missing Heap memory Max value;
SCU3: Data conversion issue fix (for tables with LOB types);
Syncronization: fixed bug when tables with the only key fields cannot be synchronized;
Group filter maintenance issue fix;
OpenTelemetry AnyValue UTCLONG type mapping fix;
Endpoint filter data kind bug fix;
LTRC_CHECK compatibility fix;
STATS trace reader timestamp conversion(NW7.50);
OTLP Fiori span kind fix;
ORA_DB02_TSOV: free segments are not extracted by default anymore;
Various bug minor bug fixes and security improvements;