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Data Description

The ST06 transaction is used to display information from the OS (via the SAPHostAgent) about it’s resources including CPU, RAM, Disk & Network.

Potential Use Cases

This event could be used for the following scenarios:

Measure, monitor and alert on the following hardware resources:

  • CPU load, utilization, context switches, queue length

  • Memory used & free

  • Swap used / free

  • Network KB, packets in/out and collisions per second

  • Number of CPUs visible to the OS

Splunk Event

The event will look like this in Splunk:

SAP Navigation

List of Selected Runtime Errors

Navigate to this data by using the ST06 t-code and the information displayed when you first enter is what is captured by the ST06 extractor and sent to Splunk in this EVENT_TYPE.

The detail about specific resources like CPU and LAN (network) adaptors are contained in the EVENT_SUBTYPE(s)

  • CPU_SINGLE - CPU_SINGLE subtype contains information about specific processes in the operating system, it shows the following information per process.

  • LAN_SINGLE - LAN_SINGLE records the performance metrics of each LAN adaptor individually.

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