Summary of Extractors and EVENT_TYPE(s)
Here is a summary of the ABAP extractors and their associated use case categorization as of PowerConnect 8.03:
Extractor Name | Categorization | Description | Released Number |
ABAP_METER | Performance | ABAP performance measurements (SAP Note 2879613) | |
ADS_CHECK | Performance | ADS Destination check | |
AIF_ERROR | Performance | AIF error monitoring (/AIF/ERR) | |
AL08 | Performance,Security | List of logged on users | |
AL11 | BPM | SAP directories and files | |
ALV_REPORTS | BPM | Read ALV Reports output data | |
ASESCRIPTS | Performance | SyBase: SQL scripts extractor | |
ASE_DBCC_CCSTAT | ITSI,Performance | SyBase: Cached statements | |
ASE_DBCC_CUSAGE | Performance | SyBase: Cache usage | |
ASE_DBCC_DBALOG | Performance | SyBase: DBA log | |
ASE_DBCC_DBSIZE | ITSI,Performance | SyBase: Database size | |
ASE_DBCC_DEVCIO | ITSI,Performance | SyBase: Device IO | |
ASE_DBCC_ERRLOG | Performance | SyBase: Error log | |
ASE_DBCC_LKWAIT | ITSI,Performance | SyBase: Lock Wait Events | |
ASE_DBCC_PROCES | ITSI,Performance | SyBase: Processes | |
ASE_DBCC_RESOUR | ITSI,Performance | SyBase: Resources | |
ASE_DBCC_SPINLC | Performance | SyBase: Spin Locks | |
ASE_DBCC_SYSACT | ITSI,Performance | SyBase: System Activities | |
ASE_DBCC_SYWAIT | Performance | SyBase: System Waits | |
ATC | Performance,Security | ABAP Test Cockpit Result | |
ATRA_STATE | Performance,Security | Performance trace state | |
BD87_DYN | BPM | IDOC header, status and payload data | |
BGRFC_MON | Performance | Background RFC monitor - SBGRFCMON | |
BGRFC_PERFMON | Performance | Background RFC Performance monitor - SBGRFCPERFMON | |
BPM_BOR_REL | BPM | BOR objects relations | |
BPM_CPP_APO | BPM | APO CIF Postprocessing monitor (APO side) | |
BPM_CPP_ECC | BPM | APO CIF Postprocessing monitor (ERP side) | |
BPM_ECC_ESOD | BPM | ERP Sales Orders | |
BPM_ECC_LISIS | BPM | LIS Information System | |
BPM_ECC_VBSK | BPM | Collective Processing for a Sales Document | |
BPM_ECC_VL06O | BPM | Outbound Delivery Monitor | |
BPM_EWM_SMQ | BPM | EWM queues information | |
BPM_ST13_TBI | BPM | Business process monitoring KPIs | |
BPM_TBL_STXL | BPM | SAPscript texts | |
BSP_LOG | CRM | SAP BSP log | |
CCMS | BPM,ITSI,Performance | CCMS monitor | |
CDPOS | BPM,Performance,Security | SAP Change Documents | |
CTE_MONI | BPM | Concur Communication Monitor | |
DB6_DB02_ACTVT | Performance | DB6: DB Activities | |
DB6_DB02_AGENT | Performance | DB6: Agent list | |
DB6_DB02_APPL | Performance | DB6: Application List | |
DB6_DB02_ASTOR | Performance | DB6: Automatic Storage | |
DB6_DB02_AUTILS | Performance | DB6: Running utilities | |
DB6_DB02_BHIST | Performance | DB6: Backup History | |
DB6_DB02_BLOGS | Performance | DB6: Backup Log files | |
DB6_DB02_DBPF | ITSI,Performance | DB6: Database Performance | |
DB6_DB02_FSYST | Performance | DB6: File system | |
DB6_DB02_HADR | Performance | DB6: High availability disaster recovery information | |
DB6_DB02_LOCKS | ITSI,Performance | DB6: Database locks overview | |
DB6_DB02_OVVW | ITSI,Performance | DB6: Database overview | |
DB6_DB02_SSNAP | Performance | DB6: Tablespace Snapshot Data | |
DB6_DB02_STMT | ITSI,Performance | DB6: Expensive statements | |
DB6_DB02_TRANS | Performance | DB6: Transaction list | |
DB6_DB02_TRLOG | ITSI,Performance | DB6: Transaction log | |
DB6_DB02_TSNAP | Performance | DB6: Table Snapshot Data | |
DEVACCESS | ITSI,Security | List of users with developer keys | |
E070 | BPM,Security | Change & Transport System: Requests/Tasks | |
ECATT | Performance | ECATT | |
FLP_MONITOR | Performance | Fiori user monitoring (via plugin) | |
GRC_LOGS | Security | GRC Details related to Firefighter ID Log On Information | |
GROUP_LIST | Internal | List of PowerConnect extractors | |
GW_ERROR_BEP | Performance | Gateway Error Log (backend) | |
GW_ERROR_FND | Performance | Gateway Error Log (frontend) | |
GW_TRACE_PERF | Performance | Gateway perfomance trace | |
GW_TRACE_PLOAD | Performance | Gateway payload trace | |
GW_TRACE_STATS | Performance | Gateway statistics | |
HDBSCRIPTS | Performance | HANA: SQL scripts extractor | |
HDB_DB02_OVVW | ITSI,Performance | HANA: DB overview | |
HDB_DBCC_ACTSTM | ITSI,Performance | HANA: Active statements | |
HDB_DBCC_ALERT | ITSI,Performance | HANA: Alerts | |
HDB_DBCC_AUDIT | Performance,Security | HANA: Audit log | |
HDB_DBCC_AULOG | ITSI,Performance | HANA: DBACOCKPIT audit log | |
HDB_DBCC_BCCAT | Performance | HANA: Backup catalogue | |
HDB_DBCC_BTRAN | ITSI,Performance | HANA: Blocked transactions | |
HDB_DBCC_CONLST | ITSI,Performance | HANA: Connection list | |
HDB_DBCC_DISKS | Performance | HANA: Disk space overview | |
HDB_DBCC_EVENTS | Performance | HANA: Events | |
HDB_DBCC_EXPSTM | ITSI,Performance | HANA: Expensive statements | |
HDB_DBCC_FDIAG | Performance | HANA: Diagnostic files | |
HDB_DBCC_HEAP | Performance | HANA: Heap memory overview | |
HDB_DBCC_INIHST | Security | HANA: INI files change history | |
HDB_DBCC_JOBP | Performance | HANA: Jobs progress extractor | |
HDB_DBCC_JOBS | Performance | HANA: Job history | |
HDB_DBCC_LDHIST | Performance | HANA: Load History | |
HDB_DBCC_LRGTAB | Performance | HANA: Large Tables | |
HDB_DBCC_MDIAGF | Performance | HANA: Merged Diagnosis files | |
HDB_DBCC_MTABID | Performance | HANA: Missing Tables and Indexes | |
HDB_DBCC_OLOCK | Performance | HANA: Object locks | |
HDB_DBCC_RLOCK | Performance | HANA: Record locks | |
HDB_DBCC_SLFMON | Performance | HANA: Self-Monitoring | |
HDB_DBCC_SQLPL | Performance | HANA: SQL plan cache | |
HDB_DBCC_SRVCS | ITSI,Performance | HANA: Services | |
HDB_DBCC_THREAD | ITSI,Performance | HANA: Threads | |
HDB_DBCC_USRPRV | Performance,Security | HANA: User priviledges | |
HDB_REPL_STATE | Performance | HANA: Replication status | |
ITS_MEMORY | Performance | ITS Memory monitor | |
IWXBE_ERRLOG | BPM,Performance | Enterprise Event Management: Error Log | |
LOGS | BPM,ITSI,Performance,Security | SAP Log files | |
LOGSYS_CHECK | Performance | Logical system check | |
LTRC | BPM | SLT Replication status | |
LTRC_CHECK | Performance | SLT Replication checks | |
MB51 | BPM | Material Document List (movements) | |
MSSSCRIPTS | Performance | MS SQL: SQL scripts extractor | |
MSS_DB02_BCKP | Performance | MS SQL: Backup list | |
MSS_DB02_DDLK | ITSI,Performance | MS SQL: Deadlock events | |
MSS_DB02_DDLKXE | ITSI,Performance | MS SQL: Deadlock events (XE) | |
MSS_DB02_ELOG | Performance | MS SQL: Error log | |
MSS_DB02_IOPF | ITSI,Performance | MS SQL: I/O Performance | |
MSS_DB02_OVFL | Performance | MS SQL: File overview | |
MSS_DB02_OVVW | ITSI,Performance | MS SQL: DB Overview | |
MSS_DB02_PERF | ITSI,Performance | MS SQL: Performance Overview | |
MSS_DB02_RSTR | Performance | MS SQL: Restore History | |
MSS_DB02_STMT | ITSI,Performance | MS SQL: Query statistics | |
MTR_DDIC | Internal | PowerConnect metric fields overview | |
NRIV | BPM,ITSI | Number range monitor | |
ODATA_TRACE | Performance | ODATA Metering Data/statistics | |
ORASCRIPTS | Performance | Oracle: SQL scripts extractor | |
ORA_DB01_LOCK | Performance | Oracle: DB locks overview | |
ORA_DB02_ALRT | Performance | Oracle: DB alerts | |
ORA_DB02_BCKP | Performance | Oracle: Backup History | |
ORA_DB02_BFFR | ITSI,Performance | Oracle: Buffer Busy Waits | |
ORA_DB02_CACH | ITSI,Performance | Oracle: Shared Cursor Cache | |
ORA_DB02_ENQU | Performance | Oracle: Enqueue Statistics | |
ORA_DB02_FILE | ITSI,Performance | Oracle: Filesystem requests | |
ORA_DB02_IOACT | Performance | Oracle DB Input Output activities | |
ORA_DB02_LTCH | Performance | Oracle: Latch monitor | |
ORA_DB02_PFOV | Performance | Oracle: Performance Overview | |
ORA_DB02_PGAS | Performance | Oracle: PGA Snapshot (all data) | |
ORA_DB02_PGCO | Performance | Oracle: PGA Current Operations | |
ORA_DB02_PGHS | Performance | Oracle: PGA Workarea Histogram | |
ORA_DB02_PGMU | Performance | Oracle: PGA Memory Usage | |
ORA_DB02_PGOM | Performance | Oracle: PGA One-Multipass Workarea Monitor | |
ORA_DB02_PGPO | Performance | Oracle: PGA Workarea Histogram Percent Optimal | |
ORA_DB02_PGST | Performance | Oracle: PGA Status Monitor | |
ORA_DB02_PGSW | Performance | Oracle: PGA SQL Workarea | |
ORA_DB02_PGTA | Performance | Oracle: PGA Target Advice | |
ORA_DB02_PGTH | Performance | Oracle: PGA Advice Histogram | |
ORA_DB02_PGTT | Performance | Oracle: PGA Top Ten Memory cache consumers | |
ORA_DB02_PGWE | Performance | Oracle: PGA Workarea Execution Monitor | |
ORA_DB02_SESS | ITSI,Performance | Oracle: Session Monitor | |
ORA_DB02_SGAD | Performance | Oracle: SGA Monitor Details | |
ORA_DB02_SGAM | Performance | Oracle: SGA Monitor | |
ORA_DB02_SGAS | Performance | Oracle: SGA Snapshot (all data) | |
ORA_DB02_SGBP | Performance | Oracle: SGA Buffer Pool Statistic Monitor | |
ORA_DB02_SGCA | Performance | Oracle: SGA Cache Advice Monitor | |
ORA_DB02_SGCR | Performance | Oracle: SGA Current Resize Operation | |
ORA_DB02_SGDC | Performance | Oracle: SGA Dynamic Components Monitor | |
ORA_DB02_SGOR | Performance | Oracle: SGA Completed Resize Operation Monitor | |
ORA_DB02_SGPA | Performance | Oracle: SGA Shared Pool Advice Monitor | |
ORA_DB02_SMTR | ITSI,Performance | Oracle: System metrics | |
ORA_DB02_SPOV | Performance | Oracle: Space Overview | |
ORA_DB02_SYEH | Performance | Oracle: System Event History | |
ORA_DB02_TBLA | Performance | Oracle: Table Access statistics | |
ORA_DB02_TBLG | Performance | Oracle: Table Growth statistics | |
ORA_DB02_TSOV | ITSI,Performance | Oracle: Tablespaces Overview | |
OSQLSCRIPTS | BPM | Open SQL scripts extractor | |
PC_AUDIT | Internal | PowerConnect audit log | |
PC_HEALTH | Internal | PowerConnect health | |
PC_METRIC_QUEUE | Internal | PowerConnect metric queue | |
PC_SCHEDULE | Internal | PowerConnect extractor schedule | |
PC_SENT_STATS | Internal | PowerConnect metric sent statistics | |
PC_TRACE | Internal | PowerConnect trace extractor | |
PRC_CHAIN_LOG | BPM,Performance | Process Chain log extractor | |
ROLE_AUTH | ITSI,Security | Sensitive authorizations | |
RPF_CHECK | Security | Rule framework checks | |
RSAU_CHECK | Performance,Security | SAP Audit Integrity check monitor | |
RSUSR003 | ITSI,Security | Password status of Standard Users in All Clients | |
RSUSR009 | Security | List of Users with Critical Authorizations | |
RSUSR200 | ITSI,Security | List of Users According to Logon Date and Password Change | |
RZ10 | ITSI,Performance,Security | SAP Profile parameters overview | |
RZ10_LOG | Performance,Security | SAP Profile parameters change log | |
S416N_CD | BPM,Security | S416N Change Documents | |
SCC4 | ITSI,Security | SAP Client settings | |
SCOT | Performance | SAP Connect settings | |
SCU3 | Security | Table History (change log) | |
SE06 | ITSI,Security | System Change settings (Global, Components, Namespaces) | |
SE16N_CD | BPM,Security | SE16N Change Documents | |
SE37_LOG | Security | Manual FM Execution log | |
SECPOL_LOG | Security | Security Policies change log | |
SICFCHK | Security | SICF Public Services and Services with Logon Data | |
SLG1 | BPM,Security | Application log monitor | |
SLICENSE | Performance,Security | SAP licence information | |
SLIN_SEC | Performance,Security | Extended Program Check (CVA) | |
SM04 | ITSI,Performance,Security | User sessions list per application server | |
SM12 | ITSI,Performance | SAP Lock details | |
SM12_STATS | ITSI,Performance | SAP Lock statistics | |
SM13 | ITSI | RFC Update Records | |
SM13_STATE | ITSI | Update state per application server | |
SM19 | Security | SAP Audit log configuration | |
SM20 | ITSI,Security | SAP Audit log | |
SM21_LOG | ITSI,Performance,Security | SAP System log | |
SM37 | BPM,ITSI,Performance | SAP Jobs (including Steps, Spool and Log) | |
SM51 | ITSI,Performance | Work Process List per application server | |
SM51_CBLCK | ITSI | Server Communication Blocks overview | |
SM51_QUEUE | ITSI | Server Request queue | |
SM51_STATE | ITSI | Application server state | |
SM58 | ITSI,Performance | Asynchronous RFC Error Log (tRFC) | |
SM59 | ITSI,Performance | RFC Destination availability check | |
SM59_RFCDES | ITSI,Security | RFC Destination details | |
SM69 | Security | External OS commands change log | |
SMGW | ITSI | Gateway Monitor | |
SMGW_SEC | Performance,Security | Gateway Security information | |
SMICM | ITSI,Performance | SAP ICM Monitor | |
SMLG | Performance | SAP Logon Groups overview | |
SMMS | Performance | SAP Message Server Monitor | |
SMQ1 | ITSI,Performance | qRFC Monitor (Outbound Queue) | |
SMQ2 | ITSI,Performance | qRFC Monitor (Inbound Queue) | |
SMQ2_TRFCQIN | Performance | qRFC Monitor (Inbound Queue) TRFCQIN table overview | |
SMQR | Performance | Registration of Inbound Queues | |
SMW01 | Performance | SAP BDOC records | |
SMWS | Performance | SAP Web Socket Table | |
SNOTE | ITSI,Security | SAP Notes overview | |
SOIN | BPM,Performance | SAP Connect Received Requests | |
SOST | BPM,Performance | SAP Connect Send Requests | |
SP01 | Performance | Spool requests overview | |
SP01_CONTENT | Performance | Spool requests content | |
SPAD_STATUS | Performance | SAP Printer status | |
SQLM | Performance | SAP SQL Monitor | |
SQVI | Performance | SAP QuickViewer extractor | |
SRAL | Security | SAP Read access logging | |
SRT_CFG | Performance | SAP Web-Service configuration | |
SRT_LOG | Performance | SAP Web-Service error log | |
SRT_MONI | Performance | SAP Web-Service message monitor | |
SSB_KPI | BPM | Smart Business KPIs | |
ST01_AUTH | Performance | ST01: Authorization trace extractor | |
ST01_STATE | ITSI,Performance,Security | ST01: ABAP trace state | |
ST02_BFFR | Performance | ST02: Table buffer overview | |
ST02_CALL | Performance | ST02: Table buffer call statistics | |
ST02_MEM | ITSI,Performance | ST02: Table buffer memory statistics | |
ST03_RFCC | Performance | ST03: RFC client statistics per application server | |
ST03_RFCC_TOTAL | Performance | ST03: RFC client statistics totals | |
ST03_RFCS | Performance | ST03: RFC server statistics per application server | |
ST03_RFCS_TOTAL | Performance | ST03: RFC server statistics totals | |
ST03_TIME | Performance | ST03: Times statistics | |
ST03_TIME_AGG | ITSI,Performance | ST03: Aggregated times statistics (calculated on fly) | |
ST03_TIME_TOT | Performance | ST03: Times statistics totals | |
ST03_TIMT | Performance | ST03: Times statistics (new) | |
ST03_TIMT_TOTAL | Performance | ST03: Times statistics totals (new) | |
ST03_USRT | Performance | ST03: User-tcode statistics | |
ST03_USRT_TOTAL | Performance | ST03: User-tcode statistics totals | |
ST03_USRW | Performance | ST03: User-workload statistics | |
ST03_USRW_TOTAL | Performance | ST03: User-workload statistics totals | |
ST03_WEBC | Performance | ST03: Web client statistics per application server | |
ST03_WEBC_TOTAL | Performance | ST03: Web client statistics totals | |
ST03_WEBS | Performance | ST03: Web server statistics per application server | |
ST03_WEBS_TOTAL | Performance | ST03: Web server statistics totals | |
ST05 | Performance | ST05: Performance trace | |
ST06 | ITSI,Performance | Operating System Monitor | |
ST06_FSYS | ITSI,Performance | Operating System Monitor: File system overview | |
ST06_HW | Performance | Operating System Monitor: Hardware info | |
ST06_SN_DISK | ITSI,Performance | Operating System Monitor: Disks overview | |
ST06_TOP_CPU | Performance | Operating System Monitor: Process overview | |
ST10 | Performance | Table Call Statistics | |
ST22 | BPM,ITSI,Performance | ABAP dump details | |
STAD | Performance,Security | SAP statistics records | |
STAD3 | Performance | SAP statistics records aggregated | |
STATS | Performance,Security | SAP statistics records (new) | |
STMS | BPM,ITSI,Security | Transport Management System log | |
STMS_QUEUE | BPM,Performance,Security | Transport Management Queue | |
STMS_ROUTE | BPM,Performance | Transport Management System routes | |
STRUST | ITSI,Security | SSL certificates overview | |
STUSERTRACE | Security | User Trace for Authorization objects | |
SU01 | ITSI,Security | SAP User information | |
SU53 | BPM,Security | Failed Authorization Checks | |
SUIM | ITSI,Security | User change log (profile, role assignments, etc) | |
SWEQUEUE | Performance | SAP Workflow: Event Queue of Triggered Events | |
SWI1 | Performance | SAP Workflow: work item overview | |
SWI1_LOG | Performance | SAP Workflow: work item log | |
SWPC | Performance | SAP Workflow: failed workflows overview | |
SWPR | Performance | SAP Workflow: restart workflows overview | |
SXMB_MONI | BPM,Performance | Integration Engine Monitoring | |
SYSTEM_STATUS | Performance | System related information | |
TABLE_COUNT | BPM | Table records count | |
TREAD_DYN | BPM | Table reader (retreive table content based on user defined conditions) | |
TU02 | Security | Profile parameters change log | |
UCON_LOG | Security | Unified conectivity log | |
USER_AUTH | Security | Sensitive user authorizations | |
USH02 | Security | User change history | |
WE02 | BPM,ITSI | IDOC headers (including status) | |
DBCO | Performance | Secondary DB connections test | 7.03 |
FRE_UI | Performance | User Interface for F&R Messages | 7.03 |
HDB_DBCC_INI | Security | HANA: INI files snapshot | 7.03 |
HDB_DBCC_SYSMON | Performance | HANA Systems Monitor | 7.03 |
HDB_DBCC_USERS | Performance, Security | HANA: List of Users | 7.03 |
STMS_TPLOG | Security | Transport Management TP Tool log | 7.03 |
VARIANT | BPM | Reports Variant Data | 7.03 |
BPM_ECC_INVOICE | BPM | Invoice documents extractor (ECC) | 7.04 |
GRC_REQUESTS | Security | GRC Requests Details | 7.04 |
LTRC_DMC | BPM, Performance | SLT Replication Table & Load Status | 7.04 |
SDF_MON | Performance | Snapshot Monitoring - /SDF/MON | 7.04 |
SMQS | Performance | SMQS: List of Registered tRFC/qRFC Destinations | 7.04 |
SM_SAP_NOTES | Performance, Security | SAP Notes extractor (SolMan) | 7.04 |
STRUST_HISTORY | Security | SSL certificates history | 7.04 |
HDBS_SLT | Performance | HDB Accelerators SLT information | 8.01 |
MSS_DB02_BLOCKS | Performance | MS SQL: Blocking Locks | 8.01 |
ORA_DB02_DBAHIST | Performance | Oracle: DBA SQL Plan History | 8.01 |
SBDLOG | Security | Secure-by-Default Log | 8.01 |
SMENQ_REPLICATOR | ITSI, Performance | SMENQ: Enqueue Replicator Admin data | 8.01 |
SMENQ_SERVER | ITSI, Performance | SMENQ: Enqueue Server Admin data | 8.01 |
SOA_PING | Performance | SOAMANAGER Consumer Proxy Ping | 8.01 |
ST03_TIME_DIST | Performance | ST03: Task Time statistics distribution | 8.01 |
SYSTEM_TIME | Performance, Security | System time information | 8.01 |
TAANA | BPM,Performance | TAANA: Table data Analysis | 8.01 |
HDB_CERT_LIST | Performance, Security | HANA: List of certificates | 8.01 |
STATS_TRACE | Performance | SAP statistics records trace | 8.02 |
WPER | BPM | POS Interface unprocessed inbound IDOCs | 8.02 |
BNK_MONI | BPM | Batch and payment monitor | 8.03 |
DMFLOG_RFC | BPM, Performance | DMF Log RFC content | 8.03 |
MSS_DB02_AOOV | ITSI, Performance | MS SQL: DB AlwaysOn Overview | 8.03 |
MSS_DB02_LRGTAB | Performance | MS SQL: Largest Tables | 8.03 |
MSS_DB02_MEMORY | ITSI, Performance | MS SQL: Memory Overview | 8.03 |
ODATA_SERVICE | BPM | ODATA Service Reader (retreive entityset based on user defined conditions) | 8.03 |
SMAMC | Performance | SAP AMC Recipient Table | 8.03 |
SMCL | ITSI, Performance | SAP Cross System Lock details | 8.03 |
STAD_TRACE | Perfomance | SAP statistics records trace (STAD) | 8.03 |