Start & Stop PowerConnect Java agent (PowerConnect Java - All Versions)
When ever a new license is installed, or if you need to restart the agent it can be stopped using /nwa or via Telnet.
NetWeaver Administrator
Open a browser and navigate to the NetWeaver Administrator page http://<serverhost>:<port>/nwa
Open the Start & Stop Java Applications View

Search for application vendor powerconnect

Stop applications in this order

1-2 mins later it will say stopped.

Start the applications in this order

This provides an alternative way to restart the PowerConnect Java agent.
Log in to the J2EE via telnet.

Check the node list

jump <ID of problematic server node>
Using following command to display the applications
To get the status of a PowerConnect application
list_app|grep -i power

To get all references for this application
app_refs_graph <app_name>
Then you may start or stop instance with following command, stop and start in the order shown below.
stop_app com.powerconnect5/spcj_wd
stop_app com.powerconnect5/spcj_app

Start is again with start_app command
start_app com.powerconnect5/spcj_wd
start_app com.powerconnect5/spcj_app