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KB 156 - Support Pack 6.X to 7.0 Upgrade

KB 156 (ABAP): Support Pack 6.X to 7.0 Upgrade

Category: Information

Priority: Normal

Platform: ABAP

Version: 1 from 20.07.2022


Please follow the following steps to upgrade the PowerConnect application from Support Pack 6.X to 7.0.

  • Log into the managed system where the upgrade is planned, and execute the /n/bnwvs/main transaction.

  • Stop the collector job by selecting the ”Stop Collector” button .

  • Wait to confirm that all metrics have been sent to Splunk.

  • Stop the remaining jobs using the “Toggle Uploader” and the “Stop Check Job” buttons.

  • Clean-up all metric tables using the Goto->Truncate cluster functionality. This is needed, since the metric serialization approach is changed, and it might cause issues once uploading is started after upgrade:

Product version




PowerConnect NW, S4HANA, and S4HANA Cloud



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