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KB 198 - Starting the PowerConnect Java Agent in Safe Mode

KB 198 (JAVA): Starting the PowerConnect Java Agent in Safe Mode

Category: Information

Priority: Normal

Platform: JAVA

Version: 1 from 01.04.2024


There may be situations where you need to start the PowerConnect Java Agent and get access to it’s UI to alter configuration etc. without starting any of the extractors. To do this the PowerConnect Java Agent can be started in safe mode (available from version 8.1.0) by following the steps below:

  • Login to SAP NWA Console

  • Navigate to Configuration → Infrastructure → Java System Properties

  • Click the ‘Applications’ tab

  • In the Vendor column search for ‘powerconnect’

  • Click ‘spcj_app’

  • In the Properties tab scroll to the powerconnect.safemode property in the table

  • Click ‘Modify’

  • Change the value from true to false

  • Click ‘Set’

  • Click ‘Save’

  • In this mode no data will be collected except agent health stats and the only job that will run is the configuration refresh/update

  • Once you have made the required configuration changes to the PowerConnect Java Agent set the powerconnect.safemode application property back to false by following the steps above and restart the Agent

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